On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
On Tue, 2013-02-12 at 22:15 +0800, Rashif Ray Rahman wrote:
On 12 February 2013 20:05, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
Hi :)
is there an audio distro based on Arch Linux, that already is rawly set up for audio studio production.
Another requirement for me is, that such a distro shouldn't cause or at least only less inconsistencies, when using the Arch and AUR repositories.
I suspect http://didjix.blogspot.com isn't intended for audio studios?
Perhaps I missed an audio distro listed at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Based_Distributions_%28Active%29 ;) when I searched for "music" and "audio" on this site.
If there shouldn't be an audio distro, I'll install a _real_ Arch Linux :(, ;). Resp., is one of the distros that come with Xfce by default uncritical regarding to the used packages (dependency issues)? And will one of those distros install not to much services etc. that I would have to remove for audio work?
Regards, Ralf
Hello Ralf
I am not aware of anything other than http://obsoleteaudio.org/software/synthbox as a dedicated audio production distro. It may be out-of-date, just like http://archaudio.org/ (which is a packaging project only), and there may be other individual efforts that are running unnoticed.
For your audio needs, everything is explained in the wiki [1]. Rarely would you need a separate distro when software is easily accessible through the official repositories, AUR, and sometimes unofficial repositories (on a hit-and-miss basis).
And yes, your choice of a full desktop or windowing environment (as a result of installing a GUI distro) may dictate the kind of performance you will get from your studio system, but there are other independent factors as well which are not in the scope of this reply (and I assume you may already know).
Thank you Rashif :)
yes I'm aware how to set up a Linux audio workstation, I simply won't make all the DE settings and especially I won't spend time to set up everything for systemd. The more already is done, the better.
A bit tough considering systemd is now the default and last I checked the alternatives weren't very complete. If you want to spend less time, systemd would take less of your time than initscripts (rc-files getting actively dropped) and whichever gentoo-based alternative is the latest craze. Check out the forums, someone is maintaining an alternate init there.