I have read that article in ArchWiki. I understand that point that MIT licences are all custom because of individual copyright line. But then I do not understand when should I use license=('MIT') instead of license=('custom')? I have read that MIT is a set of licenses, but it is kinda unclear. I guess that if there is clear text that it is a MIT license, then I use MIT, otherwise for MIT-style licence I just use custom. Am I correct? I talked about the topic on #archlinux and it seems that the accepted solution is to use 'MIT' in the `license` array, despite there is no corresponding text in the “licenses” package, and put the text into “/usr/share/licenses/pkgname”, despite it is not marked as 'custom' in the `license` array. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I still consider it illogical, but I have been outvoted. But I would not claim that “libdrm” maintainer is wrong on using 'custom' here.