these are my config files now, changed to unix socket:
Thanks a million Damjan, this is of great help. Do you mind if I put a link to your gist on the wiki (ownCloud page, nginx + uwsgi section)?
you can also copy/paste it on the wiki
Just two questions: * I see you define two 'root" directives in nginx.conf, a server-wide one (/srv/http) and the / location one (/usr/share/webapps/owncloud): what is the interest of doing so?
it's not that important. if I have some other location added (by mistake?) it'll take the server root, /srv/http, and possibly limit the damage I could've done. the root in location / is so that nginx serves the static files for owncloud.
* I see (from enabled php extensions) you use SQLite? How does it go performance-wise?
yes I use sqlite because that was easiest for me. I don't know about performance, since I use it just for myself. Afaik, sqlite is not so good at concurrency, but I don't think my usage has that problem. The slowest thing is browsing directories with a lot of pictures, I dunno if the db helps there. -- damjan