Hi Marcel, 2014-10-24 20:58 GMT+02:00 Marcel Korpel <marcel.korpel@gmail.com>:
* Csányi Pál <csanyipal@gmail.com> (Fri, 24 Oct 2014 19:45:07 +0200):
If you use the console often, I highly recommend these kernel parameters: video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3 vga=791
Should it be added in grub.cfg as follows?
linux<->/boot/vmlinuz-linux root=UUID=60f0975e-f90f-432b-9576-81b471b916a3 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3 vga=791 rw quiet
Yes, that's the kernel command line.
It works and I have now the same console resolution as I had before with nouveau driver. I modified the switching script that switch nvidia driver from nouveau to nvidia and this script works: [code] #!/bin/bash # nouveau -> nvidia # run as root set -e # check if root if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "You must be root to run this script. Aborting..."; exit 1; fi if [ -e /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-nouveau.conf ] then rm -v /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-nouveau.conf fi cp /Adatok/ArchLinuxBeallitasok/30-nvidia.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ sed -i 's/MODULES="nouveau"/#MODULES="nouveau"/' /etc/mkinitcpio.conf pacman -Rdds --noconfirm xf86-video-nouveau mesa-libgl lib32-mesa-dri lib32-mesa-libgl pacman -S --noconfirm nvidia-304xx lib32-nvidia-304xx-libgl mkinitcpio -p linux reboot [/code] Of course, one must to changes this script if she/he has different linux kernel installed. -- Regards from Pal