PS: Btw. I don't have gnome-keyring installed, but I'm doing this to get rid of etc/xdg/autostart/parcellite-startup.desktop. Take a look at , it should be your desktop environment that is auto starting. I've got lightdm , openbox and parcellite installed for an Arch and an Ubuntu install. By default both variables, $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME are empty for the Arch install, but parcellite would get auto-started without the options I want, if I would extract the xdg desktop file. For the Ubuntu install I got rid of the wrong autostart by overwriting $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS in .config/openbox/autostart, so I could keep the file in /etc/xdg/autostart/. [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ echo $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS $XDG_CONFIG_HOME [rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ grep XDG /mnt/moonstudio/home/weremouse/.config/openbox/autostart export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=""