Norbert Zeh said the following at 07/20/2012 12:27 PM :
think the reason why you are having a much more serious issue is that it seems you haven't updated your system in a long time. So now you're running into
Approximately a month, I believe. Certainly not a whole lot longer. I don't regard that as a long time, but perhaps in the arch world it is. But since the box I'm upgrading often goes a couple of months without even being powered up, it would be hard to upgrade more frequently. Maybe I made a mistake putting arch on it, if arch really does have to be upgraded more frequently than that. I was unaware that that was a consideration. I've never used a "rolling release" distribution before, and perhaps I shouldn't have done so on the machine in question. I (naïfly) thought that the package manager system would automagically take care of everything regardless of how many updates needed to be applied. Computers... even after all this time, still a learning experience. Even when I don't want them to be. Doc -- Web: