DR, On Thu, 24 Jan 2008, David Rosenstrauch wrote:
If you're trying to search through your *installed* packages to find out which package owns a particular file on disk, you can use:
pacman -Qo /the/file/name
No, I was trying to search for packages that hadn't been installed yet that provided particular files. One program I was looking for, for example, was pdflatex. I'm currently running CRUX but considering switching to Arch. I'm running Arch under VMware right now. On CRUX, one can: # prt-get fsearch pdflatex and it will list all packages that include pdflatex. That's one bit of functionality I'd miss if I switch from CRUX to Arch. So far on Arch I've found pdflatex in extra/tetex and aur/community/texlive-bin, after some trial and error. The google site:www.archlinux.org/packages/files search trick posted earlier should have at least found pdflatex in the tetex package's file list but didn't. Are there no file lists for the packages in AUR? Kevin http://www.RawFedDogs.net http://www.WacoAgilityGroup.org Bruceville, TX Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes. Longum iter est per praecepta, breve et efficax per exempla!!!