Message: 1 Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 11:27:16 -0400 From: Hunter Connelly <> To: General Discussion about Arch Linux <> Subject: Re: [arch-general] arch-general Digest, Vol 142, Issue 24 Message-ID: <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
I was just wondering about what people thought about having MS code in the repos. I remember Skype used to be in multilib, and that wasn't even open source. I didn't expect this much of a reaction. Sorry if this isn't the place to discuss things like that. i was purposefully trying to make it clear that i was not trying to give you a hard time(maybe i did a poor job of that), while at the same time responding with my honest perspective on the matter b/c i felt the topic was important. I, generally speaking, don't agree with having any
On 08/19/2016 10:45 AM, wrote: proprietary software in official repos but i'm not the one doing the work/packaging and i've never really even looked into it well enough to state an educated opinion, so i've never said anything about that, IIRC. I have no hard feelings towards you, it's hard for any of us to say anything that won't be taken wrong in or be in violation of someone's delicate sensibilities in a mailing list, especially with heated topics. It might be more accepted to post about aur packages in aur-general, though. I unsubscribed to aur-general due to discussions on software i wasn't using, etc.