Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order." -Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940) . On Fri, 10 Mar 2023, Sadeep Madurange wrote:
This is my office workstation, so I have to use Microsoft Teams... My sound system is setup using ALSA and pipewire-alsa. I use Teams on Chromium web browser. The problem is, the other end can't hear anything I say. When I try to use Slack on the same browser, microphone is working fine.
What is odd is that with Slack on Chromium, under microphones, I can see two options: "Default" and "sof-hda-dsp, -Default Audio Device". On Teams I can only see the latter. "Default" is the one working for Slack. The `wpctl status` yields the following output:
PipeWire 'pipewire-0' [0.3.66, sadeep@quix, cookie:3671373507] ?? Clients: 33. WirePlumber [0.3.66, sadeep@quix, pid:2279] 34. WirePlumber [export] [0.3.66, sadeep@quix, pid:2279] 84. wpctl [0.3.66, sadeep@quix, pid:19873] 98. PipeWire ALSA [chromium] [0.3.66, sadeep@quix, pid:9213]
Audio ?? Devices: ? 46. Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller [alsa] ? ?? Sinks: ? 55. Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 3 Output [vol: 1.00] ? 56. Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 2 Output [vol: 1.00] ? 57. Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller HDMI / DisplayPort 1 Output [vol: 1.00] ? * 58. Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller Speaker + Headphones [vol: 0.50] ? ?? Sink endpoints: ? ?? Sources: ? 59. Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller Headphones Stereo Microphone [vol: 1.00] ? * 60. Tiger Lake-LP Smart Sound Technology Audio Controller Digital Microphone [vol: 0.61] ? ?? Source endpoints: ? ?? Streams: 96. PipeWire ALSA [chromium] 31. output_FL > Speaker + Headphones:playback_FL [active] 105. output_FR > Speaker + Headphones:playback_FR [active]
Video ?? Devices: ? 40. Integrated Camera [v4l2] ? 41. Integrated Camera [v4l2] ? 42. Integrated Camera [v4l2] ? 43. Integrated Camera [v4l2] ? 44. Integrated Camera: Integrated C [libcamera] ? 45. Integrated Camera: Integrated I [libcamera] ? ?? Sinks: ? ?? Sink endpoints: ? ?? Sources: ? * 47. Integrated Camera (V4L2) ? 49. Integrated Camera (V4L2) ? 51. Built-in Front Camera ? 53. Built-in Front Camera ? ?? Source endpoints: ? ?? Streams:
Settings ?? Default Configured Node Names:
have you tried starting up teams without microphone plugged in then plugging in microphone to see what comes up as configuration possibilities?