Le jeudi 19 jan 2012 à 19:35:59 (+0100), Nils a écrit :
You will see 5 lines and a symbol. The symbol must be perfectly alingned within the five lines (one pixel above can be tolerated). It should look like this: http://www.wargsang.de/pyqt-bug-report.jpg Do you see that symbol shifted up or down or is it correct?
Could you please answer me with the following information attached: Your graphic driver (type ("ati, nvidia, intel" etc. and closed or open source?) and desktop enviroment/window manager (Gnome, KDE, xfce, i3 etc.). If you want to add more information like qt version or X-Server it would be nice as well. Everything display related helps:
Here you can see how it is displayed : http://ompldr.org/vY2M5bQ/laborejo.png It seems correct. I’ve an ATI Radeon HD 5145, with catalyst (closed), under Awesome as window manager. pyqt : 4.9-2 qt : 4.8.0-2 xorg-server : 1.11.3-1 -- Pazdera Corentin (Nado) Clé PGP/PGP key : http://troglodyte.be/pub/pubkey.pgp.asc