Hi! Am Mo., 23. Jan. 2023 um 18:08 Uhr schrieb Genes Lists <lists@sapience.com>:
I haven't been following this thread - but I'm curious. Does this very old commit (2014) not do what's needed? I just checked a couple machines smartctl and indeed I also see unsafe shutdowns being logged for nvme disks (not for other ssd or spinners).
2 seconds seems to be the default and looks like there is a parameter already to extend this.
If there is some kind of parameter already present I would prefer using this.
commit 2484f40780b97df1b5eb09e78ce4efaa78b21875 Author: Dan McLeran <daniel.mcleran@intel.com> Date: Tue Jul 1 09:33:32 2014 -0600
NVMe: Add shutdown timeout as module parameter.
The current implementation hard-codes the shutdown timeout to 2 seconds. Some devices take longer than this to complete a normal shutdown. Changing the shutdown timeout to a module parameter with a default timeout of 5 seconds.
What commit do you refer here to? From googling the hash I guess it is some kind of a kernel patch, but maybe you can clarify a little? Best, Friedrich