On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 3:44 AM, Nicolas Sebrecht <nsebrecht@piing.fr> wrote:
The 25/07/12, Heiko Baums wrote:
systemd I have to run a special command to have a daemon started at boot time (which I additionally have to remember), I have to write such an ini file instead of just writing or editing a simple and small config file or shell script
You are mixing up two things: - adding/removing services on boot; - configuring the services.
The first - adding/removing services - changes with systemd. Yes, it is done using a dedicated command (which comes naturally with autocompletion, here with zsh at least). This is for services provided by the distribution.
If a service is not provided: - with SysVinit you have to write the whole script usually relying on whatever library the distribution provides (which tend to be error-prone); - with systemd, you just write a configuration file.
For the second, whether you use systemd or SysVinit, configuring a service is typically done by editing the configuration file dedicated to this service. In systemd, the file is declared like this
which is by itself much easier to hack (rather than reading in a shell script to find where and how such a file is used).
... and to elaborate on this, writing a unit file is not the end of the world. in fact, it's so !@%$ing painless that i literally bang one out in ~2 minutes flat (not an exaggeration). 100% TANGIBLE, CONCRETE, NON-HYPOTHETICAL example ... i wrote this in a ~2 minute period sometime between the now and my last message ooooh, 45 min ago: # cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/u.openvpn.service ===================================== [Unit] Description=[u] OpenVPN server After=network.target [Service] Type=simple TimeoutSec=0 Restart=always RestartSec=30 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/u.openvpn.conf ExecStartPost=/usr/sbin/ip link set vpn0 up promisc on master lan0 ExecReload=/bin/kill -SIGUSR1 $MAINPID [Install] WantedBy=u.services.target ===================================== ... aaaand done. works bomb. linked to my custom target. automatic reloads. dynamic TAP device. automatic adding of TAP dev to existing bridge. works bomb? :-) "but anthony! what did it REALLY take?", one likely inquires ... well i'm glad you asked! procedure: - copy one of my other daemon unit files - change ~3 lines - declare masterpiece ... there is no way to convince me or anyone else that process is somehow *more* complex than editing/managing the ~83-line combined `openvpn` and `openvpn-tapdev` rc.d scripts ... ehm ... hi. i have zilch against sysvinit, initscripts, or anything else for that matter -- to have a persuasion for-or-against a piece of software on anything but technical merits is rather silly IMO, even your own -- but to put it bluntly, systemd is, hands-down, superior, and a win in all ways over the long standing sysvinit ... just let it be so friends. -- C Anthony