Steve Holmes writes:
On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 05:02:24AM +0530, Ashish SHUKLA wrote:
Steve Holmes writes:
Do I have to set up anything in advance in order to use ispell in emacs with the aspell program? See the message below for the full story. I can't get past this read-only problem.
(setq ispell-program-name (executable-find "aspell"))
That fixed it! It seems that the documentation I followed, suggested a different setting to specify the aspell binary but this setting you gave me enables it to work properly now. Thanks and sorry for the repeated queries to the list; I thought there might have been a problem with how it was implemented with Arch.
So Now i'm off to write those perfectly spelled e-mails. <smile>
Use flyspell to make it comfortable :). -- Ashish SHUKLA | GPG: F682 CDCC 39DC 0FEA E116 20B6 C746 CFA9 E74F A4B0!ashish | Avoid Success At All Costs !!