20 Jun
20 Jun
9:32 a.m.
On 20/06/10 04:24, Marek Otahal wrote:
I'm not sure I get you right, but 8gb is crazy.. how about use somehow logrotate/cron to delete the log file?
I run slim on an eee and have /var/log on a 5mb tmpfs, so I ran into this problem quickly. I run logrotate every hour (/etc/cron.hourly/) and limit log files to 100k. For example, /etc/logrotate.d/slim: /var/log/slim.log { compress rotate 4 size 100k notifempty missingok copytruncate noolddir } That's extreme of course, and I might as well just send it to /dev/null instead, but it works. Daniel