On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 09:34:17PM +0100, J. ~marahin M. wrote:
Indeed I have.
I have followed the basic *automatic* instructions listed at Arch's wiki (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wacom_Tablet), yet no luck.
xsetwacom --list devices
returns nothing for me, though lsusb finds my Wacom tablet connected. ;-)
As I had mentioned before, I found source on Linuxwacom forums ( http://linuxwacom-discuss.996327.n3.nabble.com/support-for-CTl-480-td7234.ht...), which said that it might not be supported in the kernel before mid october.
I've got a few mates who use 460s and 470s, which work fine (at least in Ubuntu).
Have a nice day.
According to that thread, they're targeting kernel 3.13 for built-in support. Since we're currently on 3.11, you'll have a bit of waiting to do, it seems. You might (if you're feeling up to it) try asking for the patches on that thread and compiling the kernel yourself. Makepkg makes adding patches to a kernel build fairly straightforward, assuming you're somewhat familiar with the package build process. --Sean