On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 09:59:44PM +0200, Andreas Radke wrote:
Am Tue, 29 May 2012 14:05:28 -0500 schrieb rara8avis@aol.com:
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 01:48:24PM -0500, Leonid Isaev wrote:
On Tue, 29 May 2012 13:26:02 -0500 rara8avis@aol.com wrote:
It does not seem to be documented (e.g. pacman -Qi cups) but cups 1.5.3-3 requires ghostscript to be installed. This is a change for some of us who had not otherwise needed ghostscript. FYI
cups-filters optionally depends on ghostscript (just as cups 1.5.3-2 did).
This is not an optional dependance that I am talking about. When I tried to print from libreoffice via cups 1.5.3-3, cups failed because it called gs but I had no ghostscript installed. After installed gs, I print easily. So my experience is that gs is now a necessity to print through cups.
Ghostscript should only be needed if your printer is not capable to print PostScript directly. So it was in the past with pure cups. That's also what cups-filters README says. Maybe you have to (re)choose your driver now or try a different one.
Thanks. I have used the ppd file from Brother for years, which, as I understand it, includes a ps emulation. Cups-filters is new with me as of today and seems to be what requires gs. Oddly, the log shows gs is called and then deactivated; so its installation is required (cups quits without gs) but ultimately not used. I reselected the driver in the frontend to cups but that didn't change the gs requirement. It would be nice not to install unneeded software. T.