Thomas Bächler schrieb:
As you seem to be good with Linux and Arch, you can try the following: - Boot the Arch install CD, partition everything as you like it and mount it manually before even launching /arch/setup - Skip all "mount partitions" steps in /arch/setup and simply proceed to the package selection/installation. - Adjust your fstab manually after you finished installing
This used to work in our old installer once you found out where /arch/setup wants its destination to be mounted. I don't know if AIF has safeguards to prevent you from installing without letting it mount partitions before (If it does, you can comment them out in the script, the live system is read/write).
The fact that AIF doesn't allow you to select the newly created partitions looks very much like a bug. I'll wait until Dieter has time to reply.
Instead of "/arch/setup", please try "/arch/aif -p interactive -d" and save/upload the log files from /var/log/aif/ that will be created. That will be useful in any case.