On 01/03/15 23:18, Eli Schwartz wrote:
On Sat, Jan 3, 2015 at 9:11 PM, Mark Lee <mark@markelee.com> wrote:
I believe the issue is deprecation of a feature utilized by an AUR (non officially sanctioned) package (yaourt). It should be the responsibility of the AUR maintainer to engage in discussions regarding deprecation of official features; and it should be the AUR maintainer's responsibility to modify their packages accordingly.
With that in mind; how will building on live cd's as non root work? Will users need to trivially make a pacman user for building packages?
Regards, Mark
Please don't make things up, yaourt does not use --asroot unless you run yaourt as root, which means that whether you use yaourt is completely irrelevant.
Running yaourt as root is going to make yaourt run makepkg as root, so the solution is... don't run yaourt as root? Since YAOURT ITSELF tries hard to discourage you from doing just that, I fail to see the problem.
And even if it WAS a problem for yaourt, the idea that an aur package should or would restrict the further development of pacman and makepgk is absolutely ludicrous.
Okay, that option can now be removed altogether. And in fact it was, because funnily enough, it seems the yaourt maintainer doesn't care one iota and happily added this change: https://github.com/archlinuxfr/yaourt/commit/3f60d14443ef14687e4e2cb60c92209... which leaves yaourt brilliantly happy with pacman 4.2
In short, this absolutely not in any way shape or form about aur helpers. It is about people who want to build packages (however they care to do so) from a root shell.
-- Eli Schwartz An AUR (unofficial package) shouldn't be restricting the development of an official package. But, a dialogue regarding any differences surely can take place.
If you think it's solely about building from a root shell; you should re-read the thread. It surely has progressed past that dialogue. Calm down for a bit and don't miss the forrest for the trees. Regards, Mark