I could totally understand that you think this is none of your business. But please kindly put yourself in our shoes, what would you feel when you try to download iso image of ArchLInux, and find out the name of you're country has ", Province of China" fallowed by it? You know there's no offense, it's just because some standard listed it like that. I don't know what you would think, but for us, it's just wrong, so I bag for you're kindness. I believe the site is controlled by ArchLinux and ArchLinux can easily change this behavior, please do us this little favor. BTW, is the mentioned "django country list" this one? http://code.google.com/p/django-countries/ Sincerely 2012/7/2 Gaetan Bisson <bisson@archlinux.org>
[2012-07-02 10:52:27 +0800] Zero, Chien-An Cho:
That being said, let's continue to have a constructive conversation. :)
No. This is a Linux distribution; deciding what countries should be called is just not what we do. Our website uses the django country list; please direct any complaints there.
-- Gaetan