On 05/08/2012 06:28 AM, Nicholas MIller wrote:
On May 8, 2012 7:27 AM, "Stephen E. Baker"<baker.stephen.e@gmail.com> wrote:
On 08/05/2012 5:14 AM, Allan McRae wrote:
On 08/05/12 18:35, Christian Hesse wrote:
Hello everybody,
slim has some known security weaknesses (for example it has no separate greeter process thus the graphical interface is running with super user privileges) and a lot of open bugs. Additionally it does not support
packages (consolekit and friends) out of the box. Though lately the SVN got some commits and a new version has been released the arch package has not been updated since it was flagged out of date in February. [snip]
Seems to be a severe lack of bug reports made if there are so many issues with it...
I had lots of issues when I used slim, but replaced it easily lxdm. slim isn't a default and there are lots of choices available (including other
latest lightweight ones) so I don't see how adding lightdm and dropping slim are connected.
I use slim on two systems without issue... Other than our package is out of date
For me slim especially since the new version has been great! Very light weight. Though not sure why the new version has not been pushed through the repos yet, it has been flagged out of date for awhile. I posted a PKGBUILD and I have seen 2 other's but there seems to be no interest in updating it to solve most of the security issues as well as other fixes that are in the current release. I would say include both AND update slim to it's recent version.