21 Apr
21 Apr
4:31 p.m.
On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 12:16 PM, Christos Nouskas <nouskas@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/4/21 David C. Rankin <drankinatty@suddenlinkmail.com>:
In openSuSE for A/V codecs you need to add two extra repositories (packman & videolan [vlc]), is there an equivalent (mod or set) for Arch or do we just build from vlc?
# pacman -S codecs
None of the A/V apps in Arch (at least in extra repo) use the codecs so installing the codecs package might have no effect. Most popular video formats are handled well by ffmpeg. I would suggest to post back if you have problems playing a specific video format.