On Sat, 2009-10-10 at 01:14 +0200, Heiko Baums wrote:
Am Fri, 9 Oct 2009 22:00:15 +0200 schrieb Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com>:
After a quick google (less than 1 minute), it seems that some ubuntu users are affected too : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/433051
I have an idea. I'm not really sure, if this can be the reason, and I haven't tested it yet. But can this probably be an issue with the keymap?
Hussam, do you have keymap in the HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf? Maybe you could try to remove it and enter the passphrase with the standard us keymap. You should of course write down the correct keys you have to press, if you don't use a US keyboard.
Nope, I don't have keymap in HOOKS. HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata encrypt filesystems"