Thank you to all those who responded :)) I now have Leafnode-2 up and running smoothly with systemd. I have created these files: $ cat /etc/systemd/system/leafnode.socket [Unit] Description=Leafnode NNTP Socket [Socket] ListenStream=119 Accept=yes [Install] and $ cat /etc/systemd/system/leafnode@.service [Unit] Description=Leafnode NNTP service [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/leafnode StandardInput=socket User=news Access control depends entirely on ufw (iptables), rather than specifying a hostname or IPv6 or IPv4 number in leafnode.socket, although that would probably work instead. The ListenStream line could probably be omitted entirely, unless some port other than 119 is required. Run # systemctl start leafnode.socket and # systemctl enable leafnode.socket to start systemd listening for calls for Leafnode immediately and after the next system boot. -- -- ^^^^^^^^^^ -- Whiskers -- ~~~~~~~~~~