1 Dec
1 Dec
3:25 p.m.
Gruesse! * Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org> schrieb am [01.12.07 16:00]:
Gerhard Brauer schrieb:
thanks for fixing firefox (#8780).
Could someone of the DEVs also build a fixed package of firefox-i18n (#8786)?
Bye Gerhard
http://cvs.archlinux.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/i18n/firefox-i18n/PKGBUILD.diff?r1=1.12&r2=1.13&cvsroot=Extra I am really confused about that, alex seems to have changed the path when updating it.
Yeah, the problem in 1.13 is: install -D -m 644 chrome.manifest ${startdir}/pkg/usr/opt/mozilla/lib/firefox-${pkgver}/chrome/${lang}.manifest || return 1 It's the /usr/opt/mozilla path, should be /opt/mozilla Bye Gerhard -- Schlagt den Raab!