I've been using octopus now for a while testing it - and its working really well. I much prefer using gpg and the implementation is in rust, and seems clean. The manual installation of octopus library is dead trivial - easy to try out for anyone interested. Simply rename librnp.so and put a soft link to the octopus version. I don't think changing the thunderbird base install is the right approach. While I'm not sure the best way to achieve this but here's one suggestion. Package thunderbird in 2 parts : (1) thunderbird (2) thunderbird-librnp. Now an separate package of sequoia octopus librnp (sequoia-octopus-librnp) can be provided as an alternative package supplying librnp. Thunderbird would now depend on one of these packages 'providing' librnp. That way the regular install would remain the same, and for those of us that really like the alternative, its just a separate package to install. This might also be a good candidate for pacman alternatives when available.