On December 17, 2014 2:46:07 PM EST, "P. A. López-Valencia" <vorbote@outlook.com> wrote:
I had internet connection when installing from an iso I built using
On 17/12/14 09:22, Christian Demsar wrote: the
archiso tools, but dhcpcd isn't connecting any more (starting via sytemd). I've also had internet access in previous installs of archlinux and FreeBSD, so I don't think there's anything wrong with the hardware.
[dmesg output] http://pastebin.com/vtVRid1Y [ip link output] http://pastebin.com/gaZxUCmf
You say you configured your connection with systemd. Do you mean you enabled dhcpd@enp2s0.service? I suggest you disable it and use systemd-networkd instead. It is very simple.
Create a file called /etc/systemd/network/enp2s0.network that contains:
[Match] Name=enp2s0 [Network] DHCP=v4
Enable and start systemd-networkd.service and reboot. Your link should come up online.
Thanks for the suggestion, but it turned out to be user error. I rechecked the hardware addresses, and enp1s0 was actually the dedicated nic I have registered. This is odd, since I tried both devices initially, and neither worked. It's working now, at any rate. Nothing wrong with dhcpcd at all. -- vixsomnis