On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Dieter Plaetinck <dieter@plaetinck.be> wrote:
Gerhard Brauer wrote:
i would like to offer my help to the ISO build and test procedure. I'm sure i have the time and skill to help on archiso and installer skripts.
Currently i will look deeper to get the isolinux thing get running as a maybe alternative to grub-legacy. Also to get the keyboard/font selection and the time zone setting better integrated in the installer.
Also if there are concrete things to do feel free to contact me.
Regards Gerhard "gerbra"
I'm currently working on a totally refactored installation framework/installer. It's not an official project yet, but the arch devs agree that it looks good and Aaron wants to put it on the installcd. See http://www.nabble.com/Fifa:-Flexible-Installer-Framework-for-Arch-linux-td20...
Any help is welcome (testing, code review (lots of open TODOS), conceptual review, ...) See the AIF packages http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=aif - aif-alpha_0.5 is the least bleeding edge but most stable. - aif-git should also be stable and more uptodate - aif-blockdevicerefactor-git is atm very unstable, i'm in the middle of a big refactor there.
PS: I think the keyboard layout selection should be outside the installer, because the shorter the command the better. I prefer to type 'km' in a foreign layout then /arch/setup (yes, even with tab completion)
I'm going to do a complete re-write of the ISO scripts. I'm not happy with the route I took them, so want to redo them. What is there works though, even if it is a tad crappy. If you contact me over jabber sometime tomorrow, I will probably be working on the ISO stuff. As for the installer vs Dieter's installer: the next ISO will have the stock installer on it, but I am thinking about adding the AIF stuff as "experimental" so we can test it out.