On 16/03/10 06:37, Aaron Griffin wrote:
On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Pierre Schmitz<pierre@archlinux.de> wrote:
Am Montag, 15. März 2010 20:54:03 schrieb Ananda Samaddar:
The reason I'm asking is I want to know to whom I address my proposals when they are finished.
Simple: File a bug report or feature request at bugs.archlinux.org. No idea what your "proposals" are about but you should make sure they only address a single concrete issue.
Agreed. Send them through the bug tracker so the relevant people can be notified
As an aside, I would like to see some numbers on where we could improve in this area. I have been following the CVE announcements and several other distros security releases for the past few months and from what I see, I believe Arch is mostly ahead of the game. Following the latest upstream releases has its advantages. Allan