Manolo Martínez a écrit :
As it is now, the standalone vim cannot copy to and from the X clipboard.
I wrote the following functions to circumvent the problem: function! Yank(...) if a:0 let response = system("xsel -pi", a:1) else let response = system("xsel -pi", @") endif endfunction function! YankClip(...) if a:0 let response = system("xsel -bi", a:1) else let response = system("xsel -bi", @") endif endfunction function! Paste(paste_before, use_primary) let at_q = @q if a:use_primary let @q = system("xsel -po") else let @q = system("xsel -bo") endif if a:paste_before normal! "qP else normal! "qp endif let @q = at_q endfunction Here's the bindings I use: vmap <silent> <leader>y y:call Yank()<cr> vmap <silent> <leader>gy y:call YankClip()<cr> nmap <silent> <leader>yy yy:call Yank()<cr> nmap <silent> <leader>p :call Paste(0, 1)<cr> nmap <silent> <leader>P :call Paste(1, 1)<cr> nmap <silent> <leader>gp :call Paste(1, 0)<cr> nmap <silent> <leader>gP :call Paste(1, 0)<cr> Greetings, -- Bastien