2011/9/26 Carlos Alberto Ospina <electricaos07@gmail.com>:
Skype doesn't work. Installing windows (virtual box) I thought that the problem would continue. when I do the test call in skype me back without allowing too much noise to hear what i record.
and it's the same machine virtual and my arch. Just when i speak, i hear perfectky the other person.
-- Carlos Alberto Ospina E. Linux User #506652
If I understood correctly, your microphone is not working correctly in skype. In skype call, you can hear the other side, but the other side can't understand you. Am I right? In this case, the problem is not the skype in general (mine works perfectly). You should verify your sound settings. Archwiki has some steps to configure Alsa, for example. (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Alsa) Also, Did you take a look in Skype page at Archwiki? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Skype -- Rafael