On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 1:59 AM, pete nikolic <pg.nikolic1@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, 3 Jan 2015 23:09:01 -0600 Eli Schwartz <eschwartz93@gmail.com> wrote:
No dialog is necessary, it was a straightforward change with absolutely no impact
Sent to the correct header this time .
Apologies Mark
That statement is the Absolute height of obnoxious arrogant ignorance ans hows your thinking for what it is .. i am so i am right attitude .. disgusting
Pete .
Well, you could at least actually quote what I really said: "[...] it was a straightforward change with absolutely no impact" ... now wait for it :) ... "beyond the impact of running makepkg --asroot by hand instead of by proxy." I was, of course, referring solely to the nature of that change as it regards yaourt and the yaourt maintainer needing to discuss the change with the devs. Which is to say, this change does not affect yaourt in any appreciable way, and the people it does affect... will be affected without bringing yaourt into the discussion. I have absolutely no opinion on people wishing to run "makepkg --asroot", that is absolutely your right and I wish you much luck in finding a suitable workaround or convincing the pacman developers of its merits or whatever you like. Because I have no opinion on whether or not it is a legitimate need, or when it might or might not be a need with extra legitimacy behind it... beyond observing that I have never used it, myself, personally. -- Eli Schwartz