22 Oct
22 Oct
9:23 p.m.
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 11:57 AM, Nelson Marambio <nelsonmarambio@gmx.de> wrote:
Dear list,
I try to write a small shellscript that (dis-)connects me with / from the WLAN of my university.
I use wpa_supplicant in combination with the -B switch to establish the connection. After a pause of 10 seconds I pull an IP address by calling dhcpcd.
My question (in context of the wlan-disconnect-script): how can I exit wpa_supplicant if it runs in the background ? Up to now it's done by "sudo killall wpa_supplicant" but I guess it's not the best way.
I suggest "wpa_cli terminate". See the wpa_cli manpage.