On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:40 PM, Javier Vasquez <j.e.vasquez.v@gmail.com> wrote:
I haven't identified under which circumstances, when booting the system hangs, and the only thing that can be related to that is the message:
Failed to start Login Service
Of course the recommendation to see the output of:
systemctl status systemd-logind.service
Is useless when that happens. That because the system hangs.
A phisical hard power down is what I've done, and then usually by starting the system again everything works.
Has anyone experienced this? Any suggestion?
You can enable the debug shell with: # systemctl enable debug-shell.service And then when the boot fails, switch to the debugging shell with CTRL+ALT+F9 and get the status of the system: # systemctl status systemd-logind.service # journalctl # systemctl list-jobs Do not forget to disable the debug-shell.service when/if your problem is solved or it will become a big security hole.