Dan Vratil schrieb:
Hi, in last few weeks I noticed a serious (for me) problem with my system. It simply does not update the date/time after boot up. In BIOS the time is correct, but when I boot Linux, the system time is set exactly to time when I turned it off last time. It's quite annoying to always have to set up the time manually. In rc.conf I have HARDWARECLOCK set to "localtime" and Time Zone to "Europe/Prague".
I had the issue when I had a laptop back from repair and the clock seemed to stand still between reboots. The issue was that hwclock adjusts for "drift" in the hardware clock. So in my case, it thought that in 24 hours, the clock drifted -23.5 hours, so after having the machine off for one day, it was only half an hour later. You can solve this by deleting /var/lib/hwclock/adjtime and rebooting.