hollunder@gmx.at wrote:
On Thu, 9 Apr 2009 12:45:46 -0400 Ryan Sims <rwsims@gmail.com> wrote:
2009/4/9 Allan McRae <allan@archlinux.org>:
hollunder@gmx.at wrote:
jack-audio-connection-kit, qjackctl and ardour, all in extra, have been out of date... <snip>
So, does anyone have working updated PKGBUILDs for these that I can push to [extra]?
This one for ardour2 from AUR works fine on my machine:
# Maintainer: Philipp Ãœberbacher <hollunder at gmx dot at>
pkgname=ardour-lv2 pkgver=2.8 pkgrel=3 pkgdesc="Ardour is a digital audio workstation." arch=('i686' 'x86_64') url="http://ardour.org/" license=('GPL') depends=('rubberband' 'liblrdf' 'libgnomecanvas' 'liblo' 'libusb' 'aubio' 'slv2') makedepends=('boost' 'ladspa' 'scons' 'gettext' 'libtool' 'pkgconfig') options=('!libtool') conflicts=('ardour' 'ardour2') provides=('ardour' 'ardour2') source=("http://releases.ardour.org/ardour-$pkgver.tar.bz2") md5sums=('24bd768dbe08f1f2724dc97704ee0518') build() { cd ${startdir}/src/ardour-${pkgver} || return 1 scons PREFIX="/usr" \ FREESOUND=1 \ DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" || return 1 scons PREFIX="/usr" \ DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" \ install || return 1 }
Note that some of the dependencies are missing in [ extra ]. - Rubberband is for time stretching/pitch shifting and used in an increasing number of apps. - LV2 is the successor of LADSPA.
Ardour builts with both by default as you can guess from the scons line. I don't know off the top of my head if it's possible to build without rubberband.
Another question is the recent support of VST without Steinberg headers, which would allow distribution of VST enabled binaries (but IANAL). This would add wine as dependency AFAIK, I haven't used this myself but I'm sure there are plenty of people at #archaudio that have.
Jack is even more important than ardour, the following PKGBUILD should be fine, except that I'm not sure about --enable-optimize for binary packages. The PKGBUILD in extra builds it with POSIX-SHM support which is not recommended by jacks main author.
# Contributor: Philipp Überbacher <hollunder at gmx dot at>
pkgname=jack-audio-connection-kit pkgver=0.116.2 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="A low-latency audio server" arch=(i686 x86_64) license=(GPL2 LGPL2) depends=('libsamplerate' 'readline') makedepends=('doxygen') provides=('jack-audio-connection-kit') conflicts=('jack-audio-connection-kit') url="http://jackaudio.org/" options=('!libtool') source=(http://jackaudio.org/downloads/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz) md5sums=('9c0ae9880e9b6e081f1a238fe6a28bd5') build() { cd "${startdir}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-optimize || return 1 make || return 1 make DESTDIR=${startdir}/pkg install || return 1 }
Qjackctl is lest important of the bunch, here's simple the updated PKGBUILD from [extra]:
# Contributor: Tobias Kieslich <tobias@justdreams.de>
pkgname=qjackctl pkgver=0.3.4 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="a qt based frontend to the jack server (jack-audio-connection-kit)" arch=(i686 x86_64) license=('GPL2') depends=('jack-audio-connection-kit' 'qt') # options=('!libtool') install=${pkgname}.install url="http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/" source=(http://downloads.sourceforge.net/${pkgname}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.gz) md5sums=('65736e83650468256ba22aa5d35fd0cb')
build() { cd ${startdir}/src/${pkgname}-${pkgver} ./configure --prefix=/usr make || return 1 make prefix=${pkgdir}/usr install }
I have no illusions about the need to build from source, but these are pretty basic and common tools and it's nice to have them reasonably up-to-date in the repos. If you have questions just mail or visit #archaudio
I have put updated version of jack-audio-connection-kit and qjackctl in [testing]. Please test them out. Ardour will hopefully follow soon. Allan