On Thu, 2024-08-29 at 18:43 +0000, Lucie Scarlet wrote:

1) makepkg fail:

   the PKGBUILD had unused line
    So sorry about that - the downside of "cleaning up" before pushing ... and not testing ðŸ˜ž
    Remove the line "install=iwd.install"
    or copy the updated version of PKGBUILD

1) git sparse 
   seems to not work with github - or perhaps its flaky working sometimes and not others.

New instructions

    In a working directory, download copies of the 3 files
    ChangeLog gen-changelog PKGBUILD

    mkdir src
    cd src
    git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/wireless/iwd.git
    git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/libs/ell/ell.git
    cd ..


Hopefully this works for you 
