I've just started playing with lxc, and found that if I create a container with: # lxc-create -n arch -t archlinux and then start it: # lxc-start -n arch it resets my X keyboard map and mouse acceleration settings (which are set by setxkbmap/xset/xinput), though mouse button remapping done by xmodmap is not affected. I tracked it as far as the execution of: /usr/bin/udevadm trigger --type=devices --action=add in /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-udev-trigger.service, which seems to write "add" to most of the "uevent" files under /sys/devices. I don't know the reason for this, especially in a container, but disabling the whole udev trigger service in the container keeps the host X input settings intact without breaking anything obvious in the container (and the container boots a lot faster now, too). I'd appreciate any thoughts on what systemd-udev-trigger is doing, whether it's appropriate in a container, and if there's a better way to keep a container from changing X input settings on the host. Carl