4 May
4 May
1:52 a.m.
On 27/04/2021 17:22, Jude DaShiell via arch-general wrote:
install-dosemu-master.zip can be built with debian. When it is, those using dosemu2.deb can install many snearly standard dos utilities that work inside of dosemu2. Unfortunately the source code inside that package is debian only
I'm pretty sure that's not the case; source code is rarely specific to one distribution.
and I will be copying installed dosemu utilities from my debian disk onto my archlinux system.
Why? dosemu is in the repos [1]. This all sounds like an XY Problem [2]. [1] https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/dosemu/ [2] http://mywiki.wooledge.org/XyProblem