I had to run "archlinux-java fix" but it seemed to fix my issue. Nathan DeGruchy DeGruchy.org ________________________________________ From: arch-general <arch-general-bounces@archlinux.org> on behalf of Thorsten Jolitz <tjolitz@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, September 8, 2014 8:42 PM To: arch-general@archlinux.org Subject: [arch-general] java: cannot execute - too many levels of symbolic links Hi List, after updating yesterday java does not work anymore for me: ,---- | [tj@arch ~]$ LC_ALL=C java --help | /usr/bin/java: line 2: /usr/lib/jvm/default/bin/java: Too many levels of | symbolic links | /usr/bin/java: line 2: exec: /usr/lib/jvm/default/bin/java: cannot | execute: Too many levels of symbolic links `---- with '/usr/bin/java -> /usr/lib/java-common-wrapper' containing: #+BEGIN_SRC shell #!/bin/bash exec "${JAVA_HOME:-/usr/lib/jvm/default}/bin/${0##*/}" "$@" #+END_SRC I remember some Java lib was updated recently - anyone else with this problem? -- cheers, Thorsten