Hi, since 3-4 days i notice on mirrorchecking that for community repos the status file for indicate the last sync of the mirror switch temporary on some mirrors between actual(synced) and a out-of-sync period from ~16 days. It seems that only mirrors are affected which snyc more than once a day and when theys sync from rsync.archlinux.org. So somewhat "switches" the lastsync file (which is automatically generated by cron each hour on gerolde for all repos). I don't know how or if aur.archlinux.org and gerolde get synced, but please: could one admin look if on aur.al.org is in the community repos a file named lastsync? If you, please remove this so it don't overwrite the generated one on gerolde. If you look currently on: http://users.archlinux.de/~gerbra/mirrorcheck.html you could see several mirror with comminity outdated. And maybe on the next check they are all synced again and overnext check they are bad once more. Short (Sorry for my bad english <g>): If you found a lastsync file on aur.al.org in the repos - please remove it... Gerhard "gerbra"