On 05/01/2011 18:57, Ionut Biru wrote:
On 05/01/2011 07:48 PM, Aljosha Papsch wrote:
I recently installed the dev tools for GNOME development and wondered why devhelp displayed no documentation for GTK3. Apparently there is no gtk3-docs package. Is it intented to not have that package (which makes no sense as there is the gtk2-docs package)? Now that GNOME 3 moved to [extra] it would be great to have the docs at hand.
send me a PKGBUILD and i'll push it to extra
-- Ionuț
Finally I got it. Devhelp expects a .devhelp2 file in the book directory. I created it by hand but is there a way to generate this file? The .devhelp2 files are now in the archive file along with the PKGBUILD. Dough, this wicked yahoo web mail interface won't upload the archive file! It's now in the AUR: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=48633 -- Aljosha