2011/12/23 Ralf Madorf <ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net>:
On Fri, 2011-12-23 at 13:02 +0330, ali.mousavi@gmail.com wrote:
you can't use gnome 3 without pulse audio. if you don't want to use pulse audio, consider using another DE or WM.
At the moment I'm using Xfce only, but I will have the libre to use GNOME3 too, since it works without PA. It did work without PA for my Debian.
s/libre/freedom So stick with debian.
As mentioned before, at the moment only GDM is installed.
Which is the dm of gnome.
Btw. for what tasks PA is needed? I don't know any task that's relevant for a DAW. But having the libre to use every DE for a DAW should be possible.
libre is french term for freedom. As it is said before : stick with debian, and stop spamming this list, for god sake !
- Ralf
-- Frederic Bezies fredbezies@gmail.com