On Monday 10 Mar 2014 18:57:38 arnaud gaboury wrote:
I am setting up a network for a container.
I have a bridge br0 with a eth adapter "enp7s0" and a tap device "tap0"
******************************* /etc/netctl/bridge Description="Bridge connection" Interface=br0 Connection=bridge BindsToInterfaces=(enp7s0 tap0) IP=static Address='' Gateway='' DNS=''
/etc/netctl/ethernet Description='ethernet connection' Interface=enp7s0 Connection=ethernet IP=no IP6=no
/etc/netctl/tuntap Description='tuntap connection' Interface=tap0 Connection=tuntap Mode='tap' User='nobody' Group='nobody'
Hi Arnaud, I don't think you need the /etc/netctl/ethernet profile at all. The enp7s0 interface is being absorbed into the bridge, and so should not be considered on its own any more. Otherwise, this looks OK. Are you seeing any connectivity problems? Paul