23 Aug
23 Aug
7:44 p.m.
2014-08-23 21:30 GMT+02:00 Andreas Radke <andyrtr@archlinux.org>:
Am Sat, 23 Aug 2014 20:32:42 +0200 schrieb Sebastiaan Lokhorst <sebastiaanlokhorst@gmail.com>:
2014-08-23 20:20 GMT+02:00 Andreas Radke <andyrtr@archlinux.org>:
We dropped the app splitting because they are of small size and sometimes upstream broken the dependencies between the parts.
Does this also mean we will stop splitting -still? It is strange to split Still but not Fresh. (I'm all for shipping one large pkg by the way)
Thanks, Sebastiaan
Development happens in the fresh packages. All changes will move over to the still package when a new major fresh release happens. Then the massive splitting will be dropped.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up! Sebastiaan