Hi there, I'm investigating an error when attempting to build sonic visualiser 1.5 and we narrowed it down to the -zf option in the pkgconfig. Is this a bug in libid3tag or in my arch? This is the error at compiletime: g++ -Wl,-O1 -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -o sonic-visualiser tmp_obj/main.o tmp_obj/OSCHandler.o tmp_obj/MainWindow.o tmp_obj/PreferencesDialog.o tmp_obj/moc_MainWindow.o tmp_obj/moc_PreferencesDialog.o tmp_obj/qrc_sonic-visualiser.o -L../view -L../layer -L../data -L../widgets -L../transform -L../plugin -L../base -L../system -L../framework -L../audioio -L../rdf -L/usr/lib -lsvframework -lsvaudioio -lsvview -lsvlayer -lsvrdf -lsvtransform -lsvwidgets -lsvdata -lsvplugin -lsvbase -lsvsystem -lbz2 -L/home/hollunder/builds/vamp-plugin-sdk/pkg/usr/lib -lvamp-hostsdk -loggz -lfishsound -lvorbisenc -lspeex -lvorbis -logg -lmad -zf -lid3tag -lrubberband -lfftw3 -lfftw3f -lsndfile -lsamplerate -llrdf -lrdf -lrasqal -lraptor -lportaudio -ljack -llo -Wl,-Bdynamic -lQtXml -L/usr/lib -pthread -pthread -lQtGui -L/usr/X11R6/lib -pthread -lpng -lfreetype -lgobject-2.0 -lSM -lICE -pthread -pthread -lXrender -lfontconfig -lXext -lX11 -lQtNetwork -lssl -lcrypto -pthread -pthread -lQtCore -lz -lm -pthread -lgthread-2.0 -lrt -lglib-2.0 -lpthread -ldl g++: unrecognized option '-zf' This is the pkgconfig file including the -zf prefix=/usr exec_prefix=/usr/bin libdir=/usr/lib includedir=/usr/include Name: ID3TAG Description: libid3tag - ID3 tag manipulation library Version: 0.15.0b Libs: -L${libdir} -lid3tag -zf Cflags: I wrote to the mad user list as well, so far without answer. Thanks in advance for your help Philipp