On 02/19/2011 12:35 PM, Richard Schütz wrote:
How do I add a debugging flag? Do I use CFLAGS=-DEBUG? CPPFLAGS=-DEBUG? add --enable-debug? I've checked ./configure --help and it is silent on the issue. I've added the --enable-debug below. It builds fine, but is only slightly larger than the original:
-rw-r--r-- 1 david david 274088 Feb 19 12:12 libxcb-1.7-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz -rw-r--r-- 1 david david 273996 Feb 19 11:46 libxcb-1.7-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz.sav
Do I need to enable debugging in another manner?
You must add 'options=(!strip)' to the PKGBUILD. Otherwise the debugging symbols will be removed by makepkg automatically after the build process.
'export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -g"' and 'export CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -g"' tell the compiler to build the binaries with debugging symbols.
(whack!) Thanks Richard :) -- David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.