On 19 July 2011 22:37, Fons Adriaensen <fons@linuxaudio.org> wrote:
* The driver for my card (RME HDSP MADI, snd_hdpsm) is loaded.
This is good.
* aplay -L tells me there is only the 'null' device.
This is NOT good.
* (re)starting /etc/rc.d/alsa doesn't change things.
This is irrelevant; (re)stores volume levels only.
* There is *no* /dev/pcm at all.
Do you mean /dev/snd/pcm? Either way, NOT good.
* /sys/class/sound only has a link to a timer device.
This is NOT good.
* /etc/udev/rules.d is empty
This is expected; have you ever placed anything there yourself before?
* /etc/udev/udev.conf contains only the line udev_log="err"
This is expected.
This is a professional studio and I'm expecting clients tomorrow at 09:00.
Any ideas ?
Pastebin the following once you can: * /var/log/pacman.log * /etc/makepkg.conf (and *.pacnew if any) Do you know about the the rc.conf changes WRT (1) blacklisting modules and (2) time? Or, was the last time you updated before this, quite a while back? I understand getting the RME to work initially was no trouble, and just the standard alsa installation (and the driver gets loaded automatically)? -- GPG/PGP ID: 8AADBB10