On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 4:12 PM, ITwrx.org <info@itwrx.org> wrote:
--- No idea why MiniDLNA does not check the port. i just installed minidlna and got it working from vlc over wireless. it didn't work at first. "systemctl status minindlna" showed that it wasn't able to identify the network interface i provided. i have no idea why(old method in minidlna?). i commented that line in config back out and made sure minidlna could read my testing media directory and it worked at that point. i used nmap -sS -sU -T4 -A -v to see if port 8200 was open. it was.
so, if "systemctl status minidlna" or "journalctl -b" shows no problems for minidlna then maybe test with nmap from both wired and wireless and see if there is a difference. If there is, then you have network config issue. the arch wiki page for minidlna has a section about wireless in the troubleshooting section i notice.
Although I don't run minidlna over the wireless interface on the server I use, and only use the wired interface, I presume that the key here may be as you suggest that the lines in /etc/minidlna.conf near the start of the file that are relevant, which in my case are: # port for HTTP (descriptions, SOAP, media transfer) traffic port=8200 # network interfaces to serve, comma delimited #network_interface=eth0 network_interface=eth0 would need to include the correctly specified interface(s) for the server running minidlna for the OP. I wonder what the latter line actually is for that file in the problem machine? -- mike c