On 08/03/2012 09:11 PM, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
On Aug 3, 2012 7:56 PM, "Jackson Alley" <toomanymirrors@gmail.com> wrote:
On 08/03/2012 08:50 PM, C Anthony Risinger wrote:
On Aug 3, 2012 5:32 PM, "Jackson Alley" <toomanymirrors@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sat, Aug 4, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Jackson Alley < toomanymirrors@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok, looks like I've got an unusual setup and am having issues at boot. I've got multi-device btrfs raid and am still using the old rc/init layout. Could you give more info. What exactly fails? What is the output?
I found this, but haven't verified if it works yet:
http://help.lockergnome.com/linux/Bug-634658-BTRFS-raid-configurations-work-... I didn't get that. You haven't verified that what works?
-t Sorry, I'm just getting back from vacation and am having trouble finding
On 08/03/2012 06:20 PM, Tom Gundersen wrote: the time to reboot right now playing catchup. At boot it gives an error about wrong fs type and doesn't mount any of the btrfs volumes. Also I get an error with mkinitcpio trying to include a btrfs hook, says no hook found. I suppose if you want a concrete solution you'll need to produce an accurate account of the symptoms ... you're configs mean little sans the necessary context to evaluate them.
So what [exactly] are the symptoms here? Capture + paste the boot logs.
That's hard to do considering /var is btrfs and networking fails without it. The symptom is quite simple, during boot I get an error that the wrong file system type was found on one of the /dev/sd's and to check dmesg |tail. Logging in as root and running btrfs device scan then remounting works so I just need to ensure that gets done before the fstab is read. It used to be that having USEBTRFS="yes" in rc.conf did that for me, but not anymore. If btrfs initramfs hook should only be needed for a root btrfs AFAIK, but if the initramfs is probing before the btrfs module is loaded/available or devices scanned that would produce such error.
Is it actually failing in initramfs, or after?
Paste output of failing `mkinitcpio` command.
I am mobile ATM so I can only read check so much, but verbatim output is required to debug further.
I've rebooted and confirmed the udev rule I found does not resolve the issue. I don't believe the problem lies with mkinitcpio as I'm not using a root btrfs system but rather in the init scripts (https://projects.archlinux.org/initscripts.git/commit/?id=13ca7f028ac775773a...). I've attached the boot log and dmesg output. dmesg: http://pastebin.com/PxfnYgAm boot log: http://pastebin.com/Pg9xY4u5 Jackson