On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 04:46:19PM -0500, Baho Utot wrote:
Nicolas Bigaouette wrote:
I totally second that. It is really frustrating as a bug reporting user to end the discussion like this. It really looks like a "shut-up and stop annoying us" thing...
I know it did not gave me the motivation to open other bugs.
I don't see why the discussion should be closed when the bug is. As Damjan said, some useful information can still be provided even if the bug is closed.
2009/2/16 Damjan Georgievski <gdamjan@gmail.com>
Which is why I don't submit bug reports anymore.
Instead of +1'ing this could you provide examples instead?
From my experience phrakture does the exact same opposite than what you are "accusing" him of. Usually he doesnt close the bugs even if he solves them. :P
-- Greg